
E-commerce and cryptocurrency complement each other quite nicely since they share the same home, and both appeal to the digitally-savvy user. As an e-commerce retailer you should view cryptocurrency the same way you view your business. It’s an additional option for those looking for a fast and more convenient way to pay for goods and services. This shows the high demand for digitally-based payments among an online consumer base. With cryptocurrency there is no need to go to a bank, withdraw money or even enter a credit card number before submitting a payment at checkout. Crypto Emporium is the world’s first Crypto-Only luxury emporium. Launched in February 2018 offering a wealth of high-end items available for purchase in Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Verge and Decred. From cars, yachts and property to watches and an extensive and affordable electronics department. Crypto Emporium makes use of industry contacts and international trade agreements to search for only the highest-qu...