
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2021

Doggy Swap is the All-in-one DeFi Platform

Hello everyone, this is a new post I would like to introduce about a very interesting and great {Doggy Swap} project that is and for more details, let's go to the following discussion: # DOGGYSWAP # ETH # BTC # CRYPTO The DeFi trend has managed to attract many investors so that they can invest in the cryptocurrency market. The DeFi platform has been successful in providing financial services that users cannot find on financial platforms such as banking. The DeFi platform provides features that allow users to maximize the return on their investment through various features such as stake, farm yield, and loan / borrow. Not only that, most DeFi platforms are now merged with NFTs, allowing users to easily and quickly trade NFTs tokens. # DOGGYSWAP # ETH # BTC # CRYPTO Seeing the development of the DeFi and NFTs sectors, Doggy Swap is a DeFi platform that allows users to easily and quickly access various DeFi features. Doggy Swap is a one-stop DeFi platform that provides AMM and NF...

एक दिलचस्प परियोजना का अवलोकन - होप टोकन

सभी को नमस्कार, यह एक नई पोस्ट है जिसे मैं प्रोजेक्ट के बारे में बताना चाहता हूं। <HOPE> जो बहुत ही रोचक और अच्छा है अर्थात् और अधिक जानकारी के लिए, आइए निम्नलिखित चर्चा पर जाएं: # Blockchain # cryptocurrency dan # BTC, विकेंद्रीकृत वित्त एक वित्तीय प्रोटोकॉल है जो हाल के महीनों में काफी विकसित हुआ है। दुनिया में ऐसे कई प्लेटफॉर्म रहे हैं जिन्होंने इस प्रोटोकॉल को अपनाया है। और कई क्रिप्टो और गैर-क्रिप्टो निवेशकों ने इस क्षेत्र में निवेश करना शुरू कर दिया है, और उन्होंने साबित कर दिया है कि डेफी प्लेटफॉर्म की विभिन्न विशेषताओं का उपयोग करके, वे अपने लाभ को अधिक आसानी से और सुरक्षित रूप से अधिकतम कर सकते हैं, डिजिटल संपत्ति का आदान-प्रदान कर सकते हैं, और कई अन्य चीजें। DeFi एक वित्तीय प्रोटोकॉल है जिसका वैश्विक वित्तीय पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र में कई लोगों द्वारा बेसब्री से इंतजार किया जाता है। # HOPETOKEN # COVID # BTC # CRYPTO DeFi अपनी विभिन्न विशेषताओं और समाधानों के साथ वैश्विक वित्तीय पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र को अधिक प्रतिस्पर्धी और नवीन बनाने में सफल रहा है, और DeFi समाधान को लागू कर...

HOPE Token is a Crypto Token Integrated with a Charity Program

Hello everyone, this is a new post that I would like to introduce about the project. < HOPE > which is very interesting and good namely and for more details, let's go to the following discussion: # HOPETOKEN # COVID # BTC # CRYPTO Hope Hope Foundation developed world crypto token to combine with charities across dun i a, which provides the opportunity for individuals to participate in various projects / programs aid. Our main focus is to help bring about equality in the world. We understand that generosity often comes at a price. It may cause individuals to question their ability to give or cause financial hardship for the family what they should help with. We at the Hope Foundation, do not want these key factors to become barriers that make someone hesitate to help a charity, community, country or individual in need. Hope Token, will allow donors to get their initial investment back from dollar to dollar. Visit our official website here. You can also read the whitepaper her...

Meteorite Finance

# METEORITE # BTC # CRYPTO # ETH METEORITE FINANCE  is a “Hold-to-farm” Defi protocol that rewards each holder with a proportion of the cost of each transaction made in its ecosystem. Meteorite finance, has just released its first product, Meteorbet. meteorbet is the first cryptocurrency sports betting platform to support meteorite betting on major sporting events and has a chance to win a number of meteorite tokens. On every transaction made in the ecosystem, a 1% fee is charged and distributed to token holders. Every product built under the network will support using $ Meteor, thus creating more use cases for tokens. meteorbet is a sports betting platform for decentralized finance that allows $ Meteor bets on major sporting events and has a chance to win a number of meteorite tokens. The global sports betting industry reaches a market size of 203 billion US dollars in 2020. The industry has around 197 thousand employees with a total of nearly 31 thousand businesses. The market...

Soku Swap adalah pertukaran terdesentralisasi (DEX)

Hallo semuanya, posting baru ini yang ingin saya perkenalkan tentang proyek [ .  Soku Swap   ] yang sangat menarik dan bagus yaitu  dan untuk lebih jelasnya, mari kita pergi ke diskusi berikut: di bawah ini # SOKU , # SokuSwap # DeFi # DEX # Bitcoin # bestcryptocurrency Soku Swap adalah pertukaran terdesentralisasi (DEX) yang dihosting di jaringan Ethereum dan Binance Smart Chain. DEX menggunakan kontrak pintar otomatis dari pembuat pasar untuk membuat kumpulan likuiditas untuk token ERC-20 dan token BEP-20. Fitur-fitur ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk berdagang menggunakan algoritme daripada buku pesanan yang digunakan di bursa tradisional. Mengetahui bahwa kendala terbesar untuk memulai adalah kurangnya pendidikan dan pengetahuan tentang perdagangan mata uang kripto, mereka memutuskan untuk fokus padanya. Siapa pun dapat mengambil tindakan dengan obrolan di layar untuk menjawab pertanyaan apa pun dan petunjuk di layar langkah demi langkah. Dan jika Anda ingin ...

The Whole Earth Foundation

# WholeEarthFoundation # WEC # IEO In general, infrastructure can be defined as basic physical and social structure and facilities, such as B. Building construction, toll roads and power supplies, and various types of things required to run community activities or public services. Infrastructure is all the facilities that the general public needs to support various community activities in daily life. In other words, infrastructure is all physical and non-physical facilities built by government and individuals to meet the basic needs of society in various aspects of social and community life. The question of how to manage public goods like water and air efficiently has long been studied in business. It is widely believed that markets cannot efficiently allocate resources to public goods. The main reason for this lies in the fact that high public activity is not always economically valued and exchanged outside the market. As a result, there is no incentive for the general public to parti...
You are interested in joining the project, your Digital Bureaucracy must read information that will help you get information that can help you see your vision and mission # DBC # digitalbureaucracy # blockchain #AI # crypto # cryptocurrencies # BSC Digital Bureaucracy is the first Decentralized Bureaucracy System that simplifies and standardizes data using blockchain technology. We facilitate bureaucracy across Individuals, Institutions, and Countries on the Blockchain Network. It is the Artificial Intelligence (AI) supported Blockchain Project that aims to end the difficult and long-lasting paperwork and bureaucracy transactions between countries, institutions, and individuals. It is a document management and document transfer solution specially developed for a decentralized blockchain, aimed at making your life easier with the combination of artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies. Documents and Bureaucracy transactions in documents, invoices, land registry, vehicle...

Digital Bureaucracy

You are interested in joining the project, Digital you must read information that will help you get information that can help you see your vision and mission # DBC # digitalbureaucracy # blockchain #AI # crypto # cryptocurrencies # BSC The first decentralized Bureaucracy system that simplifies and standardizes data with blockchain technology. Digital Bureaucracy is a Project that will enable you to perform your time consuming and tiring daily bureaucratic transactions between individuals, institutions and countries using the Blockchain network, quickly and cost effectively DBC Token Liquidity Providing Event on PancakeSwap Trade Now: Binance Smart Chain Contract: What is Digital Bureaucracy? It is the Artificial Intelligence (AI) supported Blockchain Project that aims to end the difficult and long-lasting paperwork ...


# JUMBLECASH # JUM # VR # CRYPTO Since its turn from an exchange token to a full blockchain, we have seen countless exercises on Ethereum give up to Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Fashioners and undertakings which chose to fork any current code base, should do as such with the objective to improve the primary structure. Not just to be a straight copy cat. Customer Experience has would overall torture the blockchain space, over and over haggling ease of use for particular features. To gain veritable customer traction Jumble will empower customers using a conspicuous customer experience which has inborn assurance; our program wallet. From a customer and usage perspective this exhibitions like Metamask, reducing the assumption to ingest data and accelerating traction of Jumble . Use Jumble to hide your financial data by mixing moves in with resources in Jumble pools, ensuring that all subsequent moves stay puzzling. Each time you pull out, Jumble promises you use another area. Passing on the ...

Jumble Clash

# JUMBLECASH # JUM # VR # CRYPTO Binance SmartChain transactions are not private. Jumble is a direct help that extends your warranty when running on Binance Smart Chain / BNB. Jumble gets a deal between addresses. Properly Jumble helps to break all relationships between old and new mixed BNB by confusing everyone's coins with a staggeringly collected rework quote. This should be possible via the Jumble Program Wallet (coming soon) or directly from the Jumble Pool. The jumble is fully robotized and works without human help. As soon as the obfuscated communication takes place, the show simply kills all relevant data. From an ongoing perspective, managers can add more integrations and change costs despite system upgrades added to Jumble's progress. Since the transition from exchange tokens to full blockchain, we've seen countless exercises on Ethereum give up on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Fashioners and businesses that choose to fork their current code base should do so...