
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2019

Invech Exchange

Invech Group is licensed to conduct and regulate cryptocurrency and ICO related business by the government of Timor Leste. IV Token is the platform token for all Invech businesses that can be utilized on the cryptocurrency exchange and future platforms. We have expertise from raw material mining, logistics, industrial development, renewable energy development, tourism, healthcare, banking and finance, oil and gas, real estate, education and information technology. Coming together, we realized that the blockchain technology is the future. We envision the blockchain technology with its decentralization is going to be a disruptive force across industries. Governments and businesses have largely functioned via centralization. Someone or some organization sits in the middle, making the rules, and taking a toll (either taxes or fees) for providing a function. We can now leverage on this technology, take out the middleman, and enable highly functional decentralized entities. Hen...


Buna ziua prietenului meu! Cu această ocazie voi oferi informații interesante despre proiectul atractiv . Lolcoin Să examinăm revizuirea de mai jos: Primul lucru pe care mă simt nevoit să-l las pe cititorii mei să știe despre ce blocaj este vorba și cum poate transforma Educația Globală în mod pozitiv? Majoritatea oamenilor nu sunt conștienți de tehnologia Blockchain și de modul în care funcționează. Este nevoie de o iluminare globală masivă cu privire la modul în care funcționează această tehnologie, potențialul ei și cum poate revoluționa pozitiv întreaga lume. Educația înseamnă pur și simplu să influențeze cunoștințele generațiilor de la adevărul colectiv. Se bazează pur și simplu pe încrederea instituției Autoritatea de învățare în domeniul cercetării și al predării pe care o reprezintă Grupul de blocuri este pur și simplu o tehnologie distribuită. Ajută la un consens datorită naturii sale. În plus, tehnologia este foarte transparentă, utilizatorii din cadrul lanțului pot vali...
What is Refine Medium? Refine Medium is a decentralized video sharing platform. With Refine Medium, authors can sell access to their valuable content, get contributions from users and make money from video ads. Meanwhile, users can watch videos for free and receive rewards. Advertisers place ads and pay directly to users. Advertising budgets are distributed among content creators and viewers in general. No intermediaries — like YouTube — charge a high fee. All payments on the platform are done automatically in the XRM token. Transaction history is stored on the blockchain. The ecosystem revolves around Refine Medium, or XRM cards. These tokens are based on the Ethereum blockchain. They are the main tool for exchanging values between advertisers, content creators and users. Refine Medium’s software code is open source and based on the Ethereum blockchain smart contract. Video content storage is decentralized and built on IPFS protocol. Overall, Refine Medium aims to change the mul...
about the project The Global Property Register is a new generation of the real estate market, using modern technologies and tools, with the help of which it will be possible not only to correct each subsequent property, but also to acquire it under a simplified system through an internal token platform. That is, simply put, the Global Property Register is a new type of already outdated old real estate market system. The global real estate registry can not only evaluate real estate, but also control the entire list of required documents, legal acts and other references at the legislative level to ensure maximum transparency at all stages of the transaction, as well as eliminate various bureaucratic costs. Features and benefits The availability of the blockchain network will allow you to simultaneously control an incredible number of files and documents, while providing all the necessary legislative, regulatory and legal structures with quick access to all the necessary documents and r...


ПОЧЕМУ ВЫБРАТЬ В Kingcuan мы очень серьезно относимся к управлению вашими инвестициями. Мы регулярно проверяем инвестиционный портфель и определяем, какую лучшую часть мы должны максимизировать. Это процесс, основанный на нашем опыте и профессиональном понимании. УМНОЕ ФИНАНСИРОВАНИЕ ХЕДЖА регистр верификация Купить токен: купить токен в приемлемых валютах Инвестируйте свой токен CUAN: храните свой токен у нас, чтобы получить хороший доход Относится к другу: обратитесь к друзьям и получите бонус до 8% Получите торговлю сигналами: получите большую прибыль, следуя нашим торговым сигналам ДОРОЖНАЯ КАРТА 1 квартал 2019 года НАЧАЛО ПРОЕКТА мы решили начать наш проект и решили назвать его Kingcuan .. Q2 2019 РАЗРАБОТКА ВЕБ-САЙТА И БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ Мы разработали сайт и технический документ, чтобы сделать все аспекты нашего любимого проекта понятными и понятными для всех. => PRE - ICO => ICO 3 квартал 2019 ПЛАТФОРМА, УЛУЧШАЮЩАЯ Kingcuan хочет расти все больше и больш...

ROCKET EXCHANGE - संपत्ति सह-निवेश दुनिया में पहली ब्लॉकचेन पर आधारित है

क्या है एक्सचेंज एक्सचेंज? Rokes Exchange डिजिटल मुद्राओं को खरीदने और बेचने के लिए एक व्यापारिक मंच है, जो तेज, सरल, विश्वसनीय और सुरक्षित होगा। Rokes Exchange डिजिटल मुद्राओं को खरीदने या बेचने के लिए सर्वोत्तम दरों की पेशकश करता है। यह कंपनी एस्टोनियाई कानून के अनुसार पंजीकृत और प्रबंधित है।सभी ग्राहक लेनदेन जो पोस्ट किए गए हैं और सीधे रॉक्स के साथ संसाधित किए गए हैं, एस्टोनियाई कानून द्वारा शासित हैं। सुविधाएँ और लाभ: उच्च सुरक्षा आपका व्यक्तिगत डेटा हमेशा एन्क्रिप्ट किया जाएगा, जो बहुत अधिक विश्वसनीयता और सुरक्षा की गारंटी देता है। डेवलपर्स ट्रेडिंग प्लेटफॉर्म बनाते हैं जहां डिजिटल मुद्राएं खरीदना सरल और आसान होगा, यहां तक ​​कि शुरुआती के लिए भी। रोक्स एक्सचेंज VISA या मास्टर कार्ड से क्रेडिट या डेबिट कार्ड स्वीकार करता है। केवल सबसे अच्छा और शीर्ष क्रिप्टोक्यूरेंसी दुनिया में सबसे लोकप्रिय क्रिप्टोकरेंसी में अपनी डिजिटल संपत्ति खरीदें। व्यक्तिगत बटुआ आज अपना दस्तावेज़ डाउनलोड करें, और समर्थन एक घंटे में इसकी जांच करेगा। विश्वसनीय मंच आप जहां भी हों, सभी सेवाओं का उपयोग क...


This time I will provide information about the Colletrix project which is very interesting for you to know in a new cryptocurrency named Colletrix. Before heading into the discussion, I think we all agree that blockchain technology still requires efforts that encourage adoption to continue to grow and continue to grow in the future Project Colletrix is ​​one of the first different tokens in the world (“NFT”), which is intended to be associated with the design of physical properties (“IP”) of physical goods. This project will be combined with IP, blockchain and products to revolutionize the market for products that use NFT, ERC-721 tokens and ERC-20 tokens, known as Colletrix Tokens (“CIPX”), which will create all the different ecosystems that benefit more supporters. One part of this project involves the development of NFT, which represents the unique ownership of IP related to goods. Another part of this project involves the development of CIPX, which distributes cryptocurrency in ...

BITAGRO упрощает сельскохозяйственную торговлю, устраняя посредников между людьми и компаниями

Gambar Кто бы мог подумать, что современное общество зависит от самых распространенных фермеров и сельскохозяйственных парков, которые производят большое количество еды в день. Конечно, каждый всегда хочет есть, что является неотъемлемой частью нашей жизни. Именно поэтому на долю продовольственного сектора приходится 25% мирового ВВП. И, поскольку население увеличивается с каждым годом, это только начало, и, следовательно, потребление продуктов питания также увеличивается. О проекте Проект, который нас сегодня объединил, называется Агро Биржа. Как вы уже знаете, именно он намеревается открыть новые возможности в мире устаревших технологий в сельском хозяйстве и продовольствия, используя современные технологии, такие как Blockchain. Сама платформа предназначена для создания комфортной среды B2B для всех участников аграрного сектора. Гарантами всех транзакций в AgroExchange будут внутренние токены, которые будут не только покупать товары, но и обслуживать сельско...

Sesame Token, The Food Delivery Decentralized Network Powered By Blockchain and A

On this occasion I will provide interesting information about interesting projects, let's look at the reviews below Culinary is one of the popular fields of business because food is a primary human need. In fact, food can be said as a form of lifestyle. Therefore, the market share of this business includes everyone. Even though it looks promising, the culinary business is not easy. There are several obstacles that need to be faced by a culinary business, such as: a. The amount of leftover food is wasted because it doesn't sell well b. The public does not know when restaurants open or close c. The existence of a new restaurant is unknown to the public d. There are fake or hoax reviews about restaurants. This is caused by unfair competition e. Difficulty in selling food in low traffic days f. Difficulty delivering an order if the customer's distance is far from the restaurant Fortunately, culinary businessmen don't need to worry anymore because there is a platform cal...

[ALLSESAME] Network Powered by Blockchain

Sesame Token: Sesame Token - is the Blockchain Ecosystem, which is architecturally designed to create a Global Food Delivery Marketplace that is socialized, collaboratively developed, uses blockchain technology Concept of development the sesame token concept is a minimal feature-rich platform that complements the services provided by traditional financial, legal, insurance and logistics institutions, and expands and enhances their capabilities, providing a way for additional collaboration between traditional and business platforms. That The Sesame Token technology will provide peer-to-peer networks from related nodes based on the Etherchain. Each node stores a complete copy of the sesame sesame blockchain. These nodes are provided in personal architecture, as well as open blockchain structures to maximize protection against unauthorized data modifications. That the structure of the sesame token project will include the creation of several basic functions, such as smart contract ini...