Recycle for Life

Hello everyone, this new post that I want to introduce about the Recycle for Life project which is very interesting and good is that and for more details, let's go to the following discussion:
Recycle for life (RFL) is a California Department of Toxic Substance Control Registered Universal E-waste Handler. RFL transports all e-waste recycling to an Environmental Protection Agency certified facility.
While existing solutions offer to solve just one problem at a time, our team is up to build a secure, useful, & easy-to-use recycling rewards program based on a tokenized private blockchain.

At the end, Our aims to integrate all companies, employees, and business assets into a unified recycling blockchain ecosystem, which will make recycling truly efficient and fun.

We’ve built a Recycling
Platform that Rewards Users
Earn Recycle for life tokens when you participate in our global recycling program. Simply recycle an acceptable item and upload your receipt of doing.

Recycle for Life is a California Department of Toxic Substance Control Registered Universal
E-waste Handler. RFL is involved in the transportation of all e-waste to environmental protection

Agency certified Facilities. Recycle for Life started operations as a company in January of 2010.
It was created as a nationwide ink and toner cartridge recycling company. Recycle for life has
collected over 500,000 ink and toner cartridges in the first year of its existence. In march 2012,

Recycle for Life transitioned to the business of commercial e-waste logistics as an e-waste handler in Southern California.

Last year, Recycle for Life delivered over 1 million pounds of e-waste picked up from over 8,800
businesses since 2010 and have 3,450 active clients. Keith Harris, the founder of Recycle for Life
has been involved in the recycling and reuse of electronic accessories since 1996. Recycle for Life
wants to leverage on blockchain technology to create a system based on the blockchain network that will reward subscribers to their newsletter and to the Recycling Awareness Association.
These tokens will also be awarded to recycling plants, recycling processors, users with recycling
receipts and users who forward to at least 5 emails to others information regarding our e-waste
recycling services.

Bring your eligible electronic items to your participating local e-waste recycling center. Recycle your goods and you will be provided a receipt. Upload the reciept to us along with your Ethereum address and we will send you the amount of tokens based on the amount of weight you recycled.

Support Local Charity Efforts
Clean up the environment
Earn Badges
Earn Money
Incentivized Recycling

Start Jun 22, 2020 (9:00AM GMT)
Number of tokens for sale 1,000,000,000 RFL (100%)
End Jul 31, 2020 (11:00AM GMT)
Tokens exchange rate 1 RFL = $0.20
Acceptable currencies ETH, BTC, LTC
Minimal transaction amount 0.001 ETH

Distribution of tokens

Use of proceeds


March 2019
Start of the Recycle for life Development.
April 2019
Development of ICO platform
June 2019
Launch of Social Network
August 2019
ICO preparation & Whitepaper
June 2020
Start limited token sale
July 2020
Complete token sale
August 2020
Begin token exchange program
September 2020
Recycling Awareness Association forms
October 2020
Token Exchange listings
November 2020
Create Awareness Rating (AR) make post able to SM
December 2020
Launched of mobile Apps


Keith Harris - CEO
Mel Gonzales - Marketing
Anastasia Reut - Developer
Bogdan Botov - Blockchain Developer


Author : ngkas.street


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